Category: Opinion

Appetite for Christmas

The following piece represents the opinion of a citizen of the Town of Coma but does not represent the views of Coma News Daily.

“I think Axl Rose is singing Christmas Carols in my neighborhood but I’m not sure it’s him.”


Opinion by Stan Bargmeyer, widower and Coma News Intern

I think popular national recording artist and former “Guns & Roses” front-man Axl Rose is part of a roving group of Christmas carolers that have been strolling through my neighborhood this week but I’m not one-hundred percent sure it’s him.
Axl Rose does do singing for a job so it’s not weird that he would be singing in his spare time. But I don’t know that he would be hanging out in my neighborhood singing “Joy to the World”.
The guy whose singing carols in my neighborhood has gray hair and a big, bushy beard. I don’t think Axl Rose has gray hair but it’s been a while since I saw a recent photograph so you never know if his hair changed color or if he dyed it gray.
Also, I think the guy singing carols in my neighborhood is married to this woman who lives a few houses down from me. She has two grown children from a previous marriage but recently re-married. I don’t think Axl Rose recently married a fat young lady from Coma, but again, I’ve not seen a lot about him in the newspaper recently so maybe he did.
One night last week after they sang “Come All Ye Faithful” at my door and were walking away, I yelled “AXL!” as loud as I could. The guy with the gray beard turned around and looked at me for a second. That makes me think it could be him because I called his name and he turned around and looked back.

So I guess there’s really no way to know for sure if the guy singing Christmas Carols in my neighborhood this week is Axl Rose or not. It would be kind of neat if it was. Oh well. Merry Christmas anyway.

A New Beginning

The following piece represents the opinion of a citizen of the Town of Coma but does not represent the views of Coma News Daily.

Robert Smith-Smith, former Town Council member

My time in elected office has come to an abrupt end and I have had to unexpectedly open a new chapter in the Book of Bob.
I briefly wondered what I would even call this new stage in my life.
Well, today I have that answer.
For so many years our town’s hardware, beer and grocery stores have been filled with old people looking to communicate with anyone while incidentally operating a cash register.
Successful as this arrangement has been at fostering protracted conversations among senior citizens in the checkout lines throughout the town’s stores, something has been missing.
Sure, you can find out why your fellow senior is purchasing more prunes than usual or which sore appendage is acting up these days. But less and less is known about how our adolescent and young adult residents are faring.

Would you like a quit ironic snapchat with your egg purchase? A Bob's Mart cashier will help you out.

Would you like a quick ironic snapchat with your egg purchase? A Bob’s Mart cashier can help you out.

Our town’s seniors have almost limitless numbers of lessons and observations to share with our town’s youth but how can we hope to pin down youngsters long enough to share these insights?
The answer my friend is blowing in the wind (gonna share that with a millenial) at your local grocery store. My establishment, Bob’s Mart, has decided to employ only young people at our checkout counters.
No longer will a cashier at my grocery store talk with you about subjects you already know all about, like bunyons or his hair loss. Instead, cashiers at Bob’s Mart will give you real time spoken updates of their Twitter status about #poop, detail their latest Tinder hook up, snapchat your groceries, or discuss their online gamer rankings. And in exchange you can impart the wisdom of your years. Every last bit of which will be ignored by a millennial whose face stares at the iPhone screen mindlessly updating social media about the kind of socks they are wearing and now Norm-core they are and how their head hurts from trying to drink a mountain dew while doing a handstand.

While you wait to check out.
So enjoy the new Bob’s. I know I will.

Making Sausage Is Easy If You Follow The Directions

By Stan Bargemeyer
A lot of people ask me, “Stan, how do you make your world famous sausage?”
So I tell them: It’s easy if you follow the directions.

The great thing about sausage is you can purchase it from any store. I like to go to Jimmy’s Grocery near the water tower in Coma because their coffee is pretty good and a lot of times I’ll see my friend Donald outside sitting on his Rascal. If you bring Donald some peanuts he’ll actually drive his rascal right in to the store and get you whatever you need.
Sometimes, I don’t have him go in for me because I like to go chit chat with little Jimmie Thompson, who bags the groceries. Jimmie is 80 years old and has a bunion on his left toe that causes him all kinds of pain all the time. I like to tell him home remedies like soaking it in pickle juice and marshmallows. I’ve also suggested he just take a pocket knife to the sucker and cut it off but Jimmie has a blood clotting problem and swears he’d bleed to death. But I don’t believe him because Jimmie’s lied for 80 years.
Then it’s time to pick the sausage. It depends on what I am feeling like. Hot? Mild? Italian?
Within a couple hours I get back home to cook the sausage, then there are just a few more easy steps:

1) take the sausage out of the wrapping
2) cook it on the stove

Careful, it’s hot!

Like Mad Candy Yo

Editors’ note: Coma News does not endorse any of the activities in the following column and urges citizens to follow the law at all times.
Sometimes you can DIY a costume out of beer boxes, yo. Nothing wrong with a Beer Knight knockin at your door with some 3 year olds dressed as lady bugs.

Sometimes you can DIY a costume out of beer boxes, yo. Nothing wrong with a Beer Knight knock’in at your door with some 3-year-olds dressed as lady bugs.

Hey Peeps! It’s that time of year to get some! Candy! Don’t listen to the haters and stay true to yourself through these thug-o-licious steps to up your haul this Ha-ween.
Dress to Intimidate
Halloween is all about being in yo face scary. So why not pass da terrors on your way to extra candy? Pick your fav dictator and go crazy. No one’s gonna turn down that mad Russian Putin at their doorstep.
Threaten, Threaten, Threaten
If candy-having haters don’t step off and give up their load when you show up in yo get up, then blow em up. Keep a carton of eggs and TP handy–you can’t go wrong with the classics. They ain’t never gonna forget getting yoked by someone dressed like a Korean dictator.
Take by Force
Sometimes your bluff is gonna get called. That’s when it’s time to grab and go. Dressing up ninja-style should help you pull
this off.
Cute Em Up
A rugrat–related or borrowed–is another classic. Dress em up in an adorable costume (Disney Princess, insect, farm animal, bedsheet ghost) to maximize success. If you take an older shorty’s the can run a solid barter system.
The Waiting Game
Most convenience and grocery stores become a literal Candyland on November 1st. Its called a sale, playas! But leave the shorties at home because of their small hands and short legs will just slow you down.

Dr. Jimmy 4.0: Man Beyond Upgrades

By Dr. Jimmy, Coma Pysician, Sometimes Raver

This column was going to tell you all how we are increasingly like our digital avatars on any of a number of online destinations: constantly racing to the next upgrade and casting aspersions on any who dare to fall behind in the digital rat race.



We stopped looking at fashion beyond the 90s because 2000s and 2010s are retreads of all of the old trends. See graph above.

But since my whole point in this space is to let you know I’m going back to basics I’ll just drop all of the Internet-related bullshit.
So lets talk socks. I’m done upgrading mine. If med school taught me anything other than how to score mind-blowing drugs (joking, you DEA turds) it’s that everything in life has a cycle. Our society’s sock dial has moved to black. Dr. Jimmy’s socks are gonna go ahead and stay white. People who are in versions 2.0 or 3.0 of their lives may think I’m a pretty lame dude. But the joke’s actually on people who prioritize such things because I’m actually an early adopter (augh, the Internetspeak has taken over our language) and ahead of the next white sock fashion wave.
Same goes for hair. Do I have a full head of hair? No. Am I going to go all Kojack? Also, no.

A great way to buck fashion trends is to understand that spandex goes with anything and you can never have enough wife beater style shirts.

A great way to buck fashion trends is to understand that spandex goes with anything and you can never have enough wife beater style shirts.

Bucking overwhelming fashion trends takes the icy hot calm of a captain whose ship is in the midst of a maelstrom. While those around you are losing collective frickin’ minds you have to stay calm and maintain a steady course.

You know this storm shall pass and that safe harbor lies just over the horizon in the form of a baggy pair of acid washed jeans.
Until you get there, enjoy the ride.

I am Fed Up With the Lack of Quality Ham Radio Operators in Coma

by Micah Horncraft, President of Coma Futurist Society, Owner of a ‘tiny house’

Us ham radio guys like two things in this world; quality dialogue about ham radio correspondence and early twentieth century technology. I am at my wit’s end with the utter lack of quality ham radio operators in the region and am ready to give up and pursue more “rewarding experiences” such as CB communication in my smart car or rebuilding (and reselling) typewriters for college students and selling them on ebay.



Like most people, I first fell in love with the ham radio as a teenager.  Since that time, it has become clear that more and more young people are picking up smart phones and tablets instead of the ham radio.  This is troubling to me because there is a whole generation who is not going to have the experience of operating a complicated ham radio.  Additionally, they will miss out on the stimulating conversation, joke telling and discussions about frequency changes you just don’t get on popular social media like Twitter.

It used to be I could spend a whole evening discussing things like where a person was transmitting from, what objects were in the room they were transmitting from, what the weather was like in their area or even about what other ham radio operators they had contacted that evening.  It was captivating because it was real.  And it was fun!  Sometimes I’d make stuff up by telling the person I was speaking to that there was a fairly strong wind gust in my area!  And they’d believe it! Of course I would tell them the truth eventually; it was only slightly overcast with a forty-percent chance of rain.  But nobody got hurt and it was understood that sometimes ham radio operators would make up stuff regarding weather.

So I am issuing a challenge to our community’s young people; put down your smart phones and pagers and pick up a ham radio! Start to engage with people on a whole new level.  Experience meaningful conversations about proper radio etiquette, popular styles of receivers and headphones and discussions about hypothetical FCC regulatory matters. Your life will be richer and my nights will be far more interesting.

The Weather Channel TV Show Is Hard to Follow

stan 2

Stan Bargmeyer is an intern with Coma News. He is also self appointed historian and comments on popular culture and trends in his opinion column for Coma News.

Stan Bargmeyer

Recently, a Robert Smith-Smith told me about how much he enjoyed watching The Weather Channel because it’s so real to life. Since I only recently got Comcast cable on the TV, I thought I would give the show a chance since I didn’t have anything else to do and ‘How I Met Your Mother’ is no longer on air. I was really confused by the Weather Channel’s format and realized quickly that I was completely lost in all the different story lines.

I was ready to give up on it but then thought that maybe previous seasons were available on DVD (Digital Video Disc). If that was the case, I could catch up by watching the older episodes to better learn about the characters, story arcs, etc.

Boy, was I disappointed. Made me want to go back to only reading things on paper.


It’s hard to know who the good guys or bad guys are on the weather channel. Who are these characters? Like the ones in the picture? Who are they and how do they relate to the story?

It turns out you can’t find ANY previous season of The Weather Channel on DVD anywhere! Way to go, makers of The Weather Channel. Apparently, the only people that can watch your show are people that have been watching it from day one.

You’d think they would have an episode summary available on the internet but that doesn’t exist either. So I have no way of knowing what happened to Storm Front or Partly Cloudy or Typhoon or any of the other confusing characters on the show.


So guess who won’t be watching The Weather Channel TV show anymore? That’s right, me, Stan Bargmeyer. Not until they release all of the episodes on Netflix or Amazon or something else.

Stan Bargmeyer is a local historian, Coma News intern and opinion columnist.

If You Practice Enough it is Easy to Take a Selfie

Stan Bargemeyer

Being 75 does not mean you have to stop understanding new gadgets or trends. I remember when Buzz Aldrin walked on the moon,  when Equal was created as an artificial sweetener and when Magnum PI began and ended but I can still get hip with the kids, get my “fro yo” on (that’s cold yogurt) or take a selfie.

I was concerned that taking a selfie would be unsafe if you consider radiation from the phone or falling if you try to take a selfie while you walk but through my research and from trying to take a selfie on my own I found it is very safe.

Taking a selfie is not hard to do and is very safe for anyone at any age.

The selfie is when you take a picture of yourself and you can’t get hurt when you take it.

“A selfie is to show people the real you unfiltered.” says Bob Smith-Smith my friend. Bob is a member of the Coma Town council so I believe him.

First I took a picture of a tree.  Then I took a picture of a kid peeing on my grass. Then I took a picture of my car, a bunyon on my foot and my knee blisters.

But I couldn’t figure out how to take a picture of my face.

“You have to turn the camera image so you see yourself in phone and then take the picture.”  my friend Bob said. So I turned the camera up over my head, to the side, bent down and tried to take the picture and got stuck in a squat position but finally it worked.

Here’s my picture:

This is not a selfie of Stan Bargemeyer. This is a selfie of a small Sloth making a duck face. Stan Bargemeyer could not actually provide us with the selfie he supposedly took for this opinion piece.

This is not a selfie of Stan Bargemeyer. This is a selfie of a small Sloth making a duck face. Stan Bargemeyer could not actually provide us with the selfie he supposedly took for this opinion piece.

I did not get hurt or lose a limb.  No, taking a selfie is not dangerous or scary at all.


Stan Bargemeyer is a Coma News intern and also a self proclaimed town historian.