Mayor Reassures Citizens “Lord of the Rings” Can’t Happen Here

By Coma News Daily Staff

Coma Mayor Dave Anderson assured citizens this week that the events that unfolded over the course of the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy could not happen in Coma.

“We have no reason to believe that the horrific events that occurred in those films could happen in our community,” the Mayor told a crowd at a recent luncheon for Corporate Bigfoot business leaders.  “There is no evidence that anything that took place in the films were based on true events.  In fact, we are positive the movie is not a documentary.”

The film series, which debuted more than a decade ago has recently caused a stir in the small town as many people have just viewed it for the first time on The Netflix.

Lord of the Rings is a mythical story and not a documentary as some Coma citizens believed.

Lord of the Rings is a mythical fictional story and not a documentary as some Coma citizens believed.

“Everything looked so real when I watched it on my iphone,” Micah Horncraft said. “Hobbits don’t seem small at all on my phone screen.”

Not all members of the community are impressed with the series or with the idea that it could happen. Dee Collins, Coma’s resident screenwriter, feels the series has been “done”. “There’s no real prequel or sequel to be done with that series.” she said. “Peter Jackson has really gone overboard with that series and not leaving much to the imagination.”

Dee Collins screenplay, "Money Ball 2" is sure to be a success once a movie professional in Los Angeles takes the time to read it.

Dee Collins screenplay, “Money Ball 2″ is sure to be a success once a movie professional in Los Angeles takes the time to read it.

Collins has yet to sell any of her popular screenplays using traditional advertising but also understands that “the movie biz” is tough and that makes it hard for “movie people” to see the genius in her script writing. “You have to imagine that they are getting really bad scripts on a daily basis so by the time they see a classified ad for a great script like my prequel to The Sixth Sense they are tired of reading.” said Collins. “Imagine having to read Lord of the Rings with all the prequels and sequels? How could you read anything genius after that?”

Other Coma citizens remain hopeful that the Mayor might create a “Lord of the Rings” walking park similar to “The Blair Witch Project” walking park which has been successful to getting the town exercising with a minimal loss of children.

The walking park is a family affair. No one knows if this child made it the Starbucks or not.

The Blair Witch Project walking park is a family affair. No one knows if this child made it the Starbucks or not.



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