Tag: exercise

The Mikey Dukes’ Workout- Real Results in just 24 years!

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About the Mikey Dukes’ Workout- by Mikey Dukes

Most people don’t believe me when I tell them I was once an out-of-shape, lazy person who spent most of his time lying around, sitting on my ass and making other people wait on me hand and foot.  But guess what?  It’s true!

I’m Mikey Dukes.  I’m a part-time DJ and full-time celebrity fitness expert.  24 years ago, my life was a mess.  I didn’t have a girlfriend and it seemed the only type of woman I could attract was old enough to be my mom or even my grandma!  Gross!

What’s worse is I could barely even walk!  It got so bad that I sometimes soiled my britches right in my pants!  I was too lazy to get up and use the toilet.

But then I realized that I had a choice.  I could continue to be the chubby, out-of-shape dude, or I could change my life forever!  That is what I did.

But Mikey Dukes’ Workout doesn’t only work for guys named Mikey Dukes!  It can work for you too.  If you think you’re ready to commit, you must abide by three simple rules.  If you can do that, I will help you unleash a world of energy and personal transformation that will change your life forever.

Mikey Dukes’ Three Rules:

1. You must start my program as a new-born infant!

2. You must follow my program precisely for a 24-year duration!

3. You must be prepared for the incredible comments you’re going to receive from people who haven’t seen you in that 24-year timespan!  It will be amazing!

Just a sampling of some of the comments I’ve received since I started this program from people who haven’t seen me since I started:

“I did not recognize you.”

“You’ve changed quite a bit since I saw you as a newborn infant some 24 years ago.”

“I think I babysat for you once when you were like eight-months old.  I would not have recognized you at all now as a 24 year-old fully-grown adult male.”

Every one of the comments above are REAL!  It’s a testament to the dramatic transformation that takes place when you adopt my highly-effective workout program.

What are you waiting for?!! Contact me today and launch a journey of the mind and soul that will change your life forever!