Tag: future news

Luke Michaels to Triumph in Coma Dirt War

By Thomas Steven John, Coma News future beat reporter


Luke Michaels will win an unexpected victory in Dirt War Saturday, by uncontested acclimation.
Michaels’, 10, victory over his older brother Sean, 12, came to this reporter in a sweat-soaked fever dream.

The younger Michaels’ victory followed a day-long dirt clod-throwing battle at a residential construction site, known between the brothers as “The Hills.” Although Luke was generally on the run throughout the day, a desperation handful of dirt will momentarily blind Sean and elicit the universal surrender “you cheated, I’m going home.”

Although the boys’ mother declined interviews with them for this article she expressed relief “no one’s gonna lose an eye.”
“Usually its a victory for their dad and I when we’re able to pry those computer games out of their hands for half a second and get them to go outside,” she said. “But I guess, either way, there’s a price to be paid.”
The victory by the younger Michaels will be short-lived, however, as months of further fighting between the brothers in nearby streams, woods, and the neighborhood pool will follow the mysterious incapacitation of their families’ Xbox gaming system.
“That sounds awesome,” said Jimmy Cracker, 10, a sometimes ally of the younger Michaels, when told about a coming battle–featuring BB guns and M-80s taped to tennis balls–which the brothers will lead. “But I gotta go because I’m not supposed to talk to strangers. Especially ones who smell weird.”

Winter Blews? Mayor Considers Airstrike

Winter Blews? Mayor Considers Airstrike

By Thomas Steven John, future beat reporter Coma News

Mayor Dave Anderson plans to request a firebombing of Coma Saturday, The Coma News has learned.

Anderson, who has not yet revealed the plan to anyone, was seen implementing the airstrike in the future fever dreams of this Coma News reporter.

The high altitude napalm strike will aim to melt the remainder of the record 87 inches that have fallen in Coma this Winter.

The idea was seen coming to Anderson suddenly as he quietly considered the utter meaningless of life during yet another day trapped indoors by frigid temperatures. It was then that he remembered a commander in the local Air National Guard “owed me big–like Tijuana big.”

“What? I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Anderson said, when asking about the impending bombardment. “Although this goddamn winter feels like it’s never going to end. Like ever.”

When asked about the high likelihood of death and destruction as a result of his actions, Anderson mumbled with a far away look that “fire melts snow; it ain’t rocket science.”

When asked about the likely impact of the Airstrike on his re-election chances, Anderson snapped out of his vacant stare.

“Oh yeah, well, maybe we could just wait and see,”he said. “You hear what forecast is for next week?”