Coma Weekly FREECYCLE Digest

Freecycling is when a person passes on, for free, an unwanted item to another person who needs that item. From silverware to mobile homes, people worldwide are choosing to freecycle rather than discard.




[FreecycleComa] Offer: 2 quart bottle of soy sauce


Kikkoman, large bottle from Costco.  Near Coma Chinese restaurant. This is not for people who DO NOT LIKE SOY SAUCE.

This is not a pic of the soy sauce I am giving away. This picture is to illustrate how much you need to like soy sauce.

This is not a pic of the soy sauce I am giving away. This picture is to illustrate how much you need to like soy sauce.

Please respond with date and time for pick up. This soy sauce is free but not for someone who DOES NOT LIKE SOY SAUCE.

[FreecycleComa] TAKEN: 5 X 8 needlepoint rug

Since no one wanted this beautiful rug I decided to keep it. So this rug is taken by me! Stop emailing me about it. Yes those are  my cats on the rug. I am keeping this rug.


Dave Anderson, Coma Mayor


Want to contact the FreecycleComa moderators?  Write to us at townofcoma (at) .
Please always use:

– OFFER: old couch– did not sleep with my ex on it (Downtown/courthouse/ in a cell/ on top of a mountain)
– TAKEN: old couch strange stains [to be used to withdraw an OFFER for any reason; only to be posted by the member making the OFFER]

– WANTED: stapler or false teeth [Please use this one sparingly]– Cannot be “wanted mate” or “wanted sex” or “wanted a hot chick”
– RECEIVED: stapler [to be used to withdraw a WANTED for any reason; only to be posted by the member making the WANTED]

NEED, PPU, REOFFER, RE-OFFER, etc., are not acceptable keywords, and nothing other than the keyword should appear before the item description.

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